This website is designed & managed by CBS Consulting (NI) Ltd
CBS Consulting - Environmental Statement
CBS Consulting NI Ltd recognises that good management includes all environmental matters and ensures that environmental protection and the prevention of pollution form part of all decisions, policies and procedures. 

Not only are we committed to the continual improvement of our own environmental performance but also the performance of our clients.  We have identified the following key potential environmental impacts that may arise from our activities:

In order to minimise these impacts we will endeavour to work towards the following objectives in the operation of our Practice - we will:-

In order to achieve these objectives we have adopted the standards of ISO 14001:2004 with a view to registration and we will regularly set challenging objectives and targets in line with this policy.

Environmental advice given to clients relating to Electrical and Mechanical Systems
The consumption of energy (electricity and oil)
Consumption of paper and printing materials

Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulation and industry codes of practice
Communicate this Environmental Policy internally to all personnel and externally to all stakeholders, the general public and other interested parties, on request
Prevent pollution by reducing wherever practicable the level of consumption of energy, paper and printing materials
Provide clients with the most environmentally friendly solutions to their building requirements
Provide the necessary training and support for personnel to ensure that they can fulfil the commitment given in this policy
Foster openness, dialogue and discussion with personnel, clients, suppliers, subcontractors and all interested parties regarding our environmental performance Objectives and targets
Foster openness, dialogue and discussion with personnel, clients, suppliers, subcontractors and all interested parties regarding our environmental performance Objectives and targets
Download signed Environmental Statement